Heads of Communication

Heads of Communication Shared Interest Group

If you lead a communications team, you probably face a relentless rise in expectations and chronic challenges of staying grounded when the ground keeps shifting. To support you in navigating your unique set of challenges, IABC is introducing a new Special Interest Group (SIG) designed specifically for heads of communications. By joining this SIG, you can connect and collaborate with senior members of IABC who share similar experiences; gain insights from peers and leading guest speakers hand-picked to address your challenges; and get the latest on industry trends from a global perspective.

Upcoming Events:

Check back soon!

About Our Heads of Communication Leader

Nichole McGill

Nichole is a public sector executive based in Ottawa, Canada, with more than 20 years of experience leading high-performing cross-functional teams in communications, digital transformation, and service renewal to deliver strategic business results for public organizations. She is a problem-solver, a published author and promoter of meaningful engagement. A life-long learner, she has led past chapter for Women in Communications and Technology and is a member of the IABC Ottawa chapter.



For information about Shared Interest Groups, or if you are interested in starting a new SIG, please contact member_relations@iabc.com