Save the date for the 2020 IABC Leadership Institute
By IABC staff | Mar 16, 2020
Leadership Institute 2020: It's time to start planning.
We're excited to announce that the 2020 IABC Leadership Institute (LI), will be held in Austin, Texas. With LI located at the Westin Downtown, we'll be in the heart of the city with live music, shopping and world-class food all around. Expedia ranked our host city as one of the "most tourist-friendly cities in the United States." With over 250 live music venues, it's known as the "live music capital of the world." The Wall Street Journal named it the hottest labor market in the country and Inc. magazine says it's the best place in America for starting a business. That's quite a list of accolades for one place. Home to South by Southwest (SXSW), a hub for the tech scene and ambitious start-ups, this is the place to be. For all of you who love to bond with IABC friends from around the globe over a great meal, this destination came in at number four in the world (in the world!) on the Ultimate Eats list of the "World's Top Food Experiences." The IABC Dine Around experience is going to be amazing!
From 20 to 22 February 2020, we'll come together for three days of connection building, friendship, learning, recharging our leadership batteries, celebrating the 2020 IABC Chapter Management Awards and much more. You'll come away from LI with things you can use as an IABC leader, in your own career and even in your personal life. And you'll have an amazing time doing I'll. Registration for LI and the hotel room block will open in the coming months, but it's not too soon to save the date and start planning your trip. Stay tuned for more information and get ready to join us for three days of personal and professional growth in a city you won't want to leave.