Jakarta, 14 July 2023 - Sustainability has gained significant attention globally, including in Indonesia, in recent years. Urgent issues and challenges related to extreme climate change, biodiversity loss, social and gender inequality, diversity, and inclusivity challenges, have become critical problems for organizations, governments, and individuals. Various institutions are working to address these challenges and create a more sustainable future for the next generations.
IABC Indonesia Mid-Year Conference 2023, themed “Sustainability Today, Legacy for Tomorrow” was held on Friday, 14 July 2023 at Westin Hotel, Jakarta with high-rank government officials and prominent communications leaders presenting their expertises and thoughts. “This conference aims to disseminate information, foster discussions, and raise awareness of sustainability issues, and how communications play greater roles in achieving sustainability’s objectives,” said Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, Chair of the IABC Indonesia Chapter.

Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP., MSCE., Ph.D., Chairman of the Nusantara National Capital Authority (center), Emil Elestianto Dardak, Vice Governor of East Java, RI (second from right), Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, President, IABC Indonesia Chapter, and Founder & CEO, VMCS Advisory Indonesia (second from left), Ninesiana Saragih, Director of Social Media and Content, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (right), Jeanekewaty Sindy Niode, Director of Sponsorship and Events, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (left), Cazadira F. Tamzil, Director of Public Policy, Pijar Foundation (third from right) at the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).
In a groundbreaking move towards combating climate change and fostering sustainability in Indonesia, the big project of the nation is to move the capital city in Jakarta to a new place in Borneo island (Kalimantan) named Nusantara. The appointed Head of IKN (Ibu Kota Nusantara/Nusantara Capital City) is the Keynote Address, Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP., MSCE., Ph.D., Chairman of the Nusantara National Capital Authority. During his speech, he highlighted that the Indonesian government is building the Nusantara National Capital in East Kalimantan, focusing on being Green, Smart, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable. “This groundbreaking concept aims to create a smart and sustainable forest city, which is the first in the world, with 65 percent of the 256.000 hectare Nusantara National Capital area transform into tropical forests,” said Bambang.

He further emphasized that the development of IKN aligns with global targets, particularly in addressing climate change. IKN is set to become Indonesia's first city to have a Locally Determined Contribution (LDC), signifying its commitment to take climate action at the city level. This LDC will further contribute to Indonesia's Determined National Contribution in meeting the climate targets in the Paris Agreement. The driving force behind this transformative project is the passionate vision of creating a sustainable forest city, with the ambitious goal of making the Nusantara National Capital the first carbon-neutral city in Indonesia by 2045.

The morning session was filled with enthusiasm to learn more about Sustainability topics.
Based on a survey conducted by IABC Indonesia over nine days (June 28 to July 7, 2023) among 127 Gen-Z respondents aged 19-26 in Indonesia and abroad, they were revealed that over 90% agreed that environmental protection should be a priority for the government and society. They also recognized the importance of empathy towards vulnerable and minority groups, including people with disabilities, and acknowledged the significant role of communication in raising awareness of sustainability.
The survey also indicates that Gen-Z influences other age groups to contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. To carry out concrete actions for sustainability, as many as 90.6% of Gen-Z respondents stated that they would voluntarily participate. 40.2% of respondents would feel guilty if they could not participate, and 60.6% would feel happy if they could directly involve.

Dr. (H.C.) Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, FIPR, Founder & CEO, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business (center), Saptono Adi Junarso, SEVP Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX - Indonesia Stocks Exchange) (second from right), Jongki Jujono Widjaja, Partner, Ernst and Young Indonesia (third from right), Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, President, IABC Indonesia Chapter, and Founder & CEO, VMCS Advisory Indonesia (third from left), Cylvie Nuraini, Founder & CEO Aurum Group (second from left), Jeanekewaty Sindy Niode, Director of Sponsorship and Events, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (left), Ninesiana Saragih, Director of Social Media and Content, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (right) at the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).
Elvera added, "IABC has a position as a catalysator to accelerate the achievement of Sustainability goals in Indonesia through effective and impactful communication. This conference aims to enable participants to apply the concept of "3 More", which are to learn more, to listen more, and afterwards, to do more of Sustainability actions.”

Appreciation to Dito Ariotedjo, Minister of Youth and Sports, RI (right), given by Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, President, IABC Indonesia Chapter, and Founder & CEO, VMCS Advisory Indonesia (left) at IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).
Dito Ariotedjo, Minister of Youth and Sports, Republic of Indonesia, expressed his appreciation to IABC Indonesia that formed Gen Z Circle in the session themed Together for a Sustainable Future, "The government appreciates the IABC Indonesia initiative for holding the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 engaging young professionals. This conference is attended by many young people who are urged to comprehend what Sustainability can do for their future and the importance of Communications to help increase awareness of the topic," he said.

Elly Mustrianita, Director of Corporate Communication, PZ Cussons Indonesia (second from right), Melanie Masriel, Chief of Corporate Affairs, Engagement and Sustainability, L'Oréal Indonesia (right), Arif Mujahidin, Corporate Communications Director, Danone Indonesia (second from left) and Elke Alexandrina, Full-time lecturer, LSPR (left) in PR Campaign to Drive Sustainability at the IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).
Usman Kansong, Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia, said that awareness of sustainability practices might be limited by the general public, not even a priority in everyday life. “The steps taken by IABC to play a role in driving the success of Sustainability practices are things that we must support together,” said Usman.

Usman Kansong, Director General of Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia (center), Emil Elestianto Dardak, Vice Governor of East Java, Republic of Indonesia (second from right), Elvera N. Makki, ABC, SCMP, President, IABC Indonesia Chapter, and Founder & CEO, VMCS Advisory Indonesia (second from left), Jeanekewaty Sindy Niode, Director of Sponsorship and Events, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (left) and Ninesiana Saragih, Director of Social Media and Content, IABC – Indonesia Chapter (right) at IABC Mid-Year Conference 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (14/7/2023).
Emil Elestianto Dardak, Vice Governor of East Java added, “Public communication in addressing complex issues is a must as part of strategic communications, especially through technological advancement on digital and social media. For Gen Z and Millenials, open communications build trust and credibility; thus, it encourages them to partake instead of being apathetic. A forum provided by IABC in this conference is one of best examples to interact with speakers and among participants to help increase understanding and find solution toward Sustainability concerns.”
IABC Indonesia Mid-Year Conference presented two (2) Keynote Address, two (2) Special Address, and three (3) Plenary Sessions, a total of twelve (12) prominent speakers in a full-day event attended by around 200 participants joining offline and online. The event went successful with 90% satisfaction rate according to survey to participants and sponsors conducted post-event.
Several pictures captured from various social media posts by participants and sponsors:
