IABC Foundation's Gift of Excellence grant program accepting applications from qualified candidates seeking CMP or SCMP certification
By IABC staff | Dec 16, 2019
From 8 June 2019 until 10 December 2019, IABC members can apply for 2019-2020 Gift of Excellence grants, which provide scholarships to members in financial need who are seeking their Communication Management Professional (CMP) or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC). Additional weight will be given to IABC members residing in areas designated as developing nations by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as those who live in an area significantly impacted by a natural disaster.
The IABC Foundation strives to advance communication as a force for good globally by ensuring that standards and certification are accessible to all IABC members. This grant is designed to provide scholarships of US$600 to qualified applicants seeking their CMP or SCMP certification. For more information, please read briefing packet.
The 2019 Gift of Excellence grant application process is now closed. Check back for information on the program details in 2020.