Connect and learn with current and future IABC leaders in Austin
By IABC staff | Dec 12, 2019
Are you interested in attending the 2020 Leadership Institute on 20-22 February in Austin? Register now to take advantage of the early bird rate of US$199 through 14 December, before the regular rate of US$299 kicks in. Plus, you can now reserve your room at the Austin Westin Downtown at the group rate of US$245 per night.
The Leadership Institute (LI) is an opportunity for IABC chapter, regional and international leaders to come together to share best practices and learn how to create programs and services that keep members active and involved. It’s a fantastic opportunity to network with fellow leaders, build strong relationships and learn new skills useful in your IABC position and beyond. LI is held in February of each year.
You won’t want to miss Sara Canaday and her keynote address, Your Leadership Brand: Evaluate Your Impact, Demonstrate Your Value, and more.
IABC members, visit Leader Centre for more information about LI, like applying for scholarships and the Chapter Management Awards.