Congratulations to the 2020 IABC Gold Quill Award winners!
By IABC Headquarters | Apr 13, 2020
For more than 40 years, IABC’s Gold Quill Awards have recognized and awarded excellence in strategic communication worldwide. The awards program is recognized as one of the most prestigious in the communication profession.
In total, the awards committee has selected 201 entries as world-class, with 81 entries earning an Excellence Award and 120 a Merit Award. Winners come from all over the world, with 12 countries represented in the award winners list. They represent a cross-section of public and private sector organizations, both large and small. The field was very competitive this year, with over 550 entries reviewed by more than 250 evaluators.
Awards committee chair Ed Kamrin, SCMP, said of this year’s winners, “Recent events have highlighted that more than ever, we live in an interconnected world. The community of communication professionals is global, diverse, and vibrant. This year’s Gold Quill winners demonstrate that our commitment to strategic communication crosses borders—and that our work is vital to the organizations we serve.”
The Best of the Best and Jake Wittmer Research Awards will also be announced shortly. For more information on the Gold Quill Awards, including the full list of winners, visit the Gold Quill website.
Congratulations again to the Gold Quill Award winners, and thank you to all who submitted their work to the program for consideration.