It was our pleasure to recognize and celebrate leaders in the IABC community at the Chapter Management Awards (CMAs) at the IABC Leadership Institute (LI). The CMAs are an annual awards program that recognizes the leadership, management, creativity and teamwork of IABC chapter leaders around the world. It’s an opportunity to showcase IABC chapter successes and demonstrate the value that each chapter provides locally.
We appreciate the all hard work and dedication of IABC members. Our community of communication professionals is growing and thriving because of you. We’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the following leaders and chapters for their steadfast commitment to the association.
International Chapter of the Year: IABC Houston
IABC Houston had the highest total score in winning entries of the 2020 CMAs, making them the 2020 International Chapter of the Year. IABC Houston will serve as the judges for the 2020 CMA program.
2020 Chapter Leader of the Year: Sia Papageorgiou, FRSA, SCMP
Sia Papageorgiou is the President of IABC Victoria, and was recognized by her peers for her contributions as a chapter leader. Sia has built strong relationships within the local community, and has created partnerships with other chapters in Australia to bring high-profile speakers and visibility to IABC.
2020 Region Leader of the Year: Zora Artis, GAICD, SCMP, FAMI, CPM
Zora Artis is the 2019-2020 APAC Region Chair. Zora was recognized by her peers for her contributions to IABC within the region and internationally. Zora is an active participant and advocate for IABC and has built strong partnerships around the world, which has created connection among leaders within her region and internationally.
2020 Small Chapter of the Year: IABC Central Oklahoma
IABC Central Oklahoma had the highest total score of CMA entries in 2020, making them the 2020 Small Chapter of the Year. IABC Central Oklahoma received Awards of Merit in the categories of Financial Management, Mentoring, and Strategic Planning.
2020 Medium Chapter of the Year: IABC Houston
In 2020, IABC Houston received an Award of Excellence in Professional Development and Awards of Merit in the categories of Chapter Events, Communication Management, Financial Management, Mentoring, and Sponsorships/Partnerships. The total score of their winning entries, earned them a spot as both the 2020 Medium Chapter of the Year and International Chapter of the Year.
2020 Large Chapter of the Year: IABC British Columbia
IABC BC received Awards of Excellence in the categories of Engaging Students & Young Professionals and Mentoring, in addition to Awards of Merit in the categories of Sponsorships/Partnerships and Strategic Planning. The total score of winning entries earned them the award of 2020 Large Chapter of the Year
2020 winning work plans
Award of Excellence winners
IABC BC: Engaging Students and Young Professionals
IABC BC: Mentoring
IABC Calgary: Mentoring
IABC Edmonton: Mentoring
IABC Edmonton: Professional Development
IABC Houston: Professional Development
IABC Kansas City: Communication Management
IABC Kansas City: Professional Development
IABC London: Professional Development
IABC London: Strategic Planning
IABC Manitoba: Professional Development
IABC Ottawa: Membership Marketing
IABC Ottawa: Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Development
IABC Queensland: Strategic Planning
IABC Tulsa: Chapter Events
IABC Tulsa: Professional Development
Award of Merit winners
IABC BC: Sponsorships/Partnerships
IABC BC: Strategic Planning
IABC Canberra: Chapter Events
IABC Central Oklahoma: Financial Management
IABC Central Oklahoma: Mentoring
IABC Central Oklahoma: Strategic Planning
IABC Chicago: Strategic Planning
IABC Detroit: Sponsorships/Partnerships
IABC Houston: Chapter Events
IABC Houston: Communication Management
IABC Houston: Financial Management
IABC Houston: Mentoring
IABC Houston: Sponsorships/Partnerships
IABC Kansas City: Engaging Students and Young Professionals
IABC Kansas City: Sponsorships/Partnerships
IABC London: Professional Development
IABC London: Chapter Event
IABC London: Strategic Planning
IABC Ottawa: Strategic Planning
IABC Queensland: Chapter Events
IABC San Diego: Financial Management
IABC Victoria: Chapter Events
IABC Victoria: Professional Development
IABC Victoria: Sponsorships/Partnerships
IABC Victoria: Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Development
Will you or your chapter be recognized next year? The 2021 CMAs will open in October 2020.