2019 #CommChat schedule
By IABC staff | Jun 29, 2020
Stay abreast of trends and best practices in the communication profession, connect with other communicators from around the world and establish yourself as an experienced communication thought leader by participating in the IABC #CommChat discussions each month.
#Commchat is a Twitter chat that is hosted by IABC and supports IABC's vision and purpose, giving not just IABC members an opportunity to participate, but also anyone in the communication profession. Anyone with an interest in communication is invited to contribute and learn in these discussions.
View the upcoming topics and mark your calendars to join us and other communication professionals every third Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. PT. Below is a tentative schedule for 2019, but please check back in regularly for changes and/or updates.
20 March: Diversity and inclusion: Building a stronger company + Member Month
17 April: Making an impact beyond communication, guest hosts- Stephen Welch and Maria Constantinescu
15 May: Consumer activism: The risks and rewards to your company's reputation
19 June: Artificial intelligence: What's next and why you should care
17 July: Cracking the metrics of communication success
21 August: Aligning content strategy with a changing media landscape
18 September: Make your company change-ready, guest host- Jill Vitiello
16 October: Shaping the consultant/client relationship + Member Month
20 November: The looming risk of a cyber attack: Are you prepared?
18 December: The mutual benefits of being an effective adviser and coach
We hope to see you at the next #CommChat!